Flow and stream

As part of the ‘kunst 10-daagse’ at Ecodorp Bergen. I will perform a couple of ‘Soundbaths’ in our exhibition space. Look at the agenda online here.

You might identify with the little twig in the stream that is floating along with the current, encountering objects like stones that toss you around or being dragged into an undertow spinning around in bubbles. Or perhaps you identify with the stream itself, moving along by your own body of water embedded into the winding landscape summoning you to meander, speed up and slow, to drop or assemble into a pond. Sat, tjit, ananda. The flow and the stream are it.

Flow and stream is a spontaneous composition from a set of sample building blocks arranged in Native Instrument’s Maschine in Studio Fonds at Ecodorp Bergen. During each performance the flow will be different an momentous. This is one recorded session. All the other session will just be a one time off.