A chink in the cave

If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro’ narrow chinks of his cavern. William Blake.

Acrylic and mixed materials on canvas 180 x 140 cm

We choose our shadow

I’ve been through a challengeing period. It changed me. I’m ok with it now and with where i am.

Acrylic paint and conté on canvas 180 x 120 cm.

Research on the forces of subconscious meaning. The unconsious asects of our choices will give rise to themes from our shadow to be addressed by our personality in the interaction with our suroundings. We bring these thems upon ourselves. The tiger and the woman are looking to balance raw emotion and serenity. The hanged man represents the acceptation of life itself and the being confortable with the difficulties that we unconsciously bring upon ourselves as part of life and living it.


What? What? A chink in the cavern of mankind? Maybe even the chink itself is a structure in a structure within something devoid of any material we can experience. Or maybe that is what we feel. What we intuït. Can it be summoned through mindless expression?

Never lost

“The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that’s all.”

Stream and flow

You might identify with the little twig in the stream that is floating along with the current, encountering objects like stones that toss you around or being dragged into an undertow spinning around in bubbles. Or perhaps you identify with the stream itself, moving along by your own body of water embedded into the winding landscape summoning you to meander, speed up and slow, to drop or assemble into a pond. Sat, tchotchke, ananda

Flow and stream is a spontaneous composition from a set of sample building blocks arranged in Native Instrument’s Maschine in Studio Fonds at Ecodorp Bergen. During each performance the flow will be different an momentous. This is one recorded session. All the other session will just be a one time off.