
And at some point they figured maybe this awareness wasn’t inside but all around and ever present. These materials were not dead and mechanical, but vibrant and sentient memories of the same spirit in kind.


The future of recycled pellets is here…

What is so nice about re-using pellet wood to me is that it has had a life and it shows. There are the holes of nails, rusty spots, grey areas and rough edges. There are ink-stamps with text and numbers. There’s a lot of ‘feel’ to it once it has its new destiny.

I try to reuse all of it. All the nails and wood. Find pieces that naturally fit together and make a unit. The planks and beams themselves give rise to sizes and shapes and the ‘design’ part is a combination of the size of the planks, the beams and the object.


A Study for an outdoor statue – a tribute to the dance, to movement, to motion.

Not only is everything in constant motion – motion IS everything


You are something the whole universe is doing in the same way that a wave is something the whole ocean is doing. What you do is what the whole universe is doing at a place you call here and now (Alan Watts)